Audi Q5 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q5: Airbag system


 Important information

Importance of wearing safety belts and sitting properly Airbags are only supplemental restraints. For airbags to do their job, occupants must always properly wear their safety belts and be in a prope

 Child restraints on the front seat - some important things to know

Be sure to read the important information and head the WARNINGS for important details about children and Advanced Airbags. Even though your vehicle is equipped with an Advanced Airbag System, mak

 Front airbags

Description of front airbags The airbag system can provide supplemental protection to properly restrained front seat occupants. Fig. 165 Location of driver airbag: in steering wheel Fig. 166 Locatio


 Tether anchors and tether straps

Fig. 182 Tether anchors: attachment hook locations behind the rear seat backs The tether anchors for the rear seating positions are located on the backside of the rear seatbacks > fig. 182. A tether is a straight or V-shaped strap that attaches the top part of a child restraint to special anchor

 Overview - Wheel Bearing

Overview - Wheel Bearing, Vehicles with FWD 1 - Protective Cap 2 - Nut 35 Nm Always replace if removed 3 - Bolt 50 Nm +45º Always replace if removed 4 - Upper Shock Absorber Mount Installed position. 5 - Stop Buffer 6 - Protec

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