Audi Q5: Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor -G437- or Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor
2 -G640-, Removing and Installing
Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor -G437- or Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor
2 -G640-, Removing and Installing, 0BE, 0BF
Special tools and workshop equipment
- Socket - 27mm -T40218-
- Vehicle Diagnostic Tester
Important Safety Precautions
- The identity of the sensor in the All Wheel Drive
Control Module -J492- must be adapted using the Vehicle
Diagnostic Tester after replacing the Oil
Pressure/Temperature Sensor -G437- or the Oil
Pressure/Temperature Sensor 2 -G640-.
- Do not replace both the Oil Pressure/Temperature
Sensor -G437- and Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor 2
-G640- at the same time because a valid sensor identity
is needed for the rear final drive classification to the
All Wheel Drive Control Module -J492-. If the both
sensors are replaced at the same time, the All Wheel
Drive Control Module -J492- will interpret this as the
rear final drive is being replaced. By doing this,
adaptation values in the control module will be erased
and the performance of the rear final drive will be
- If both the Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor -G437-
and the -G640- must be replaced due to mechanical
damage, for example, if the connector housing gets
damaged, then this must be performed in two steps. After
replacing the first sensor, the identity of the must be
adapted in the All Wheel Drive Control Module -J492-
using the Vehicle Diagnostic Tester. Do the same for the
second sensor.
- If both the Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor -G437-
and Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor 2 -G640- must be
replaced at the same time due to an electrical fault,
then the clutch classification must be entered into the
All Wheel Drive Control Module -J492- using the Vehicle
Diagnostic Tester
→ Vehicle diagnostic tester. Also, the ATF in
the rear final drive must be replaced. Refer to
→ Chapter "ATF, Draining and Filling".
- Pay attention to the general repair information. Refer to
→ Chapter "Repair Information".
- Pay attention to the safety precautions. Refer to
→ Chapter "Safety Precautions".
- Place the vehicle on a lift.
- Lower the back section of the exhaust system just a little
and secure it.
- Remove the wiring harness bracket from the rear final drive, if necessary.
- Disconnect the connector -1-
from the Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor 2 -G640- and the
connector -2- from the Oil
Pressure/Temperature Sensor -G437-.
Disconnect connectors -3- and
-4- if necessary.
- Place the Drip Tray under the rear final drive.

- Remove the Sensor with the Socket Wrench -T40218-.
-A- = Oil Pressure/Temperature
Sensor 2 -G640- black connector
-B- = Oil Pressure/Temperature
Sensor -G437- brown connector

- Install the new Sensor with a new o-ring -arrow- and tighten to the
tightening specification -9- or -10-.
-A- = Oil Pressure/Temperature
Sensor 2 -G640- black connector
-B- = Oil Pressure/Temperature
Sensor -G437- brown connector

- Disconnect the connector -1- on
the Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor 2 -G640- and the connector
-2- on the Oil Pressure/Temperature
Sensor -G437-.
Connect connectors -3- and
-4- if they were disconnected
- Attach the wiring harness bracket to the rear final drive if it was removed
- Connect the Vehicle Diagnostic Tester and turn on the
- Select the function 22 - Rear Final
Drive Replacing in the Vehicle Diagnostic Tester under
Guided Functions in the directory
22- Sensor Programing.
- Follow all the instructions given by the Vehicle Diagnostic
Tester exactly.
The new sensor is "adapted" on the All Wheel Drive Control
Module -J492- with the Vehicle Diagnostic Tester.

A system check will take place when the
22 - Sensor Programing function is complete. If
malfunctions appear, then use "Guided Fault Finding" to correct
- Fill the ATF in the rear final drive. Refer to
→ Chapter "ATF, Filling, 0BE, 0BF".
- Install the rear section of the exhaust system on the body
and align it so it is free of tension. Refer to
→ Rep. Gr.26; Exhaust Pipes/Mufflers; Overview - Muffler.
All Wheel Drive Clutch Valve -N445- or All Wheel Drive Clutch Valve 2
-N446-, Removing and Installing, 0BE, 0BF
Special tools and workshop equipment
Hex Socket - 4mm -T10370-
Gear Oil Drain and Inspection Plugs Overview
Gear Oil Drain and Inspection Plugs Overview, 0BE, 0BF
Gear Oil Drain Plug on Rear Final Drive 0BF
1- Check plug for gear oil
Tightening Specification -i
Gear Oil Drain and Inspection Plugs Overview
Gear Oil Drain and Inspection Plugs Overview, 0BF
1- ATF check plug
Identification "ATF" on the
housing -arrow-
Tightening Specification -item 13-.
Overview - Adaptive Cruise Control Sensor -G550-
1 - Nut
2 - Threaded Sleeve
Pressed inside the longitudinal member
3 - Bracket
Removing and installing.
4 - Bolt
8 Nm
5 - Stud Bolt
Observe adjustment dimension when installing. Refer to â
Calibration Tool -VAS6350-, Installing and Aligning
Special tools and workshop equipment
Calibration Tool -VAS6350-
Vehicle Diagnostic Tester
After performing service work on the vehicle, it may be
necessary to calibrate the rearview camera system. In detail,
this is the case after: