Audi Q5: Deactivating the convertible locking retractor
The convertible locking retractor for child restraints will be deactivated
automatically when the belt is wound all the way back into the retractor.
- Press the red button on the safety belt buckle. The belt tongue will pop
out of the buckle.
- Guide the safety belt all the way back into its stowed position.
Always let the safety belt retract completely into its stowed position. The
safety belt can now be used as an ordinary safety belt without the convertible
locking retractor for child restraints.
If the convertible locking retractor should be activated inadvertently, the
safety belt must be unfastened and guided completely back into its stowed
position to deactivate this feature. If the convertible locking retractor is not
deactivated, the safety belt will gradually become tighter and uncomfortable to
Improperly installed child safety seats increase the risk of serious
personal injury and death in a collision.
- Never unfasten the safety belt to deactivate the convertible
locking retractor for child restraints while the vehicle is moving. You
would not be restrained and could be seriously injured in an accident.
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child
restrained in a vehicle is being used. Special precautions apply when
installing a child safety seat on the front passenger seat.
Child Restraint System anchors and how are they related to child safety
To provide a simpler and more practicable way to attach the child restraint
on the vehicle seat. Federal regulations require sp
Whenever you install a child restraint always follow
the child restraint manufacturer's instructions.
Fig. 181 Lower anchorages: proper mounting
Make sure the seatback of the rear seat ben
Fig. 182 Tether anchors: attachment hook locations behind the rear seat backs
The tether anchors for the rear seating positions
are located on the backside of the rear seatbacks > fig. 182.
A teth
Special tools and workshop equipment
Spring Tensioning System -VAS6274-
Spring Tensioning System - Audi Set -VAS6274/10-
Spring Tensioning System - Q5 Set -VAS6274/11-
It must only be converted once. It is not necessary to
convert back again.
- Remove the tensioning
General Information
Extremely Dangerous Due to High-Voltage
The high-voltage system is under high-voltage. Death or serious
bodily injury by electric shock.
- Individuals with electronic/medical life- and health sustaining
machines in or on their person cannot perform any work on high-voltage