Audi Q5 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q5: Lock Carrier

Overview - Lock Carrier


On vehicles with distance regulation (ACC), note the following.

If the lock carrier is removed and installed or if changes are made to the "ACC" bracket, the distance regulation must be calibrated. Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.44; Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC); Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Calibrating.

Audi Q5. Overview - Lock Carrier

1 - Bolt

  • 55 Nm
  • 3 pieces per side.

2 - Impact Member

  • Secured on the lock carrier with a bolt -7-
  • Do not remove with the bracket when removing the lock carrier.

3 - Lock Carrier


The radiator coolant must be drained before removal. Refer to → Rep. Gr.19; Cooling System/Coolant; Coolant, Draining and Filling.

  • Removing.
  • Remove the lock carrier cover.

- Remove front bumper. Refer to → Chapter "Bumper Cover, Removing and Installing".

- Disconnect all electrical wires and hoses to the lock carrier at the connection points.

- Disconnect the cable for the hood lock from the the coupling. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - Release Cable".

- Remove bolts -5-.

- Remove the bolts -1- on the longitudinal member (quantity: 3 per side).


The impact absorbers with the brackets are secured to the lock carrier with one bolt each -1- and must not be removed.

- Remove the bolts -6- on the lower lock carrier.

- Remove the lock carrier with the headlamps forward.

  • Install in reverse order of removal.
  • Adjust the headlamps after installing.

4 - Bolt

  • 5 Nm

5 - Bolt

  • 1.5 Nm

6 - Bolt

  • 4 Nm
  • Secures the impact bar to the lock carrier.

Service Position, Implementing and Resetting

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Guide Pins -T10093-


  • For the Service position, no lines and/or circuits are disconnected or opened, for example engine cooling system, Air Conditioning (A/C) system, etc.
  • When installing the lock carrier, make sure that no lines or cables get pinched or kinked at the connecting points.

Audi Q5. Service Position, Implementing and Resetting

1 - Bolt

  • 10 Nm

2 - Bolt

  • 10 Nm

3 - Lock Carrier

  • Service Position


On vehicles with distance regulation (ACC), observe the following.

If the lock carrier is removed and installed or if changes are made to the "ACC" bracket, the distance regulation must be calibrated. Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.44; Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC); Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Calibrating.

- Disconnect the battery.

- Remove the front bumper. Refer to → Chapter "Bumper Cover, Removing and Installing".

- Remove the top lock carrier cover.

- Remove the bolts from the lower noise insulation.

- Remove the bolts from the lock carrier brace.

- Disconnect the engine hood cable at the coupling point.

- Remove the coolant reservoir screws.

- Pull the reservoir upward and out of its retainer.

- Disconnect the headlamp connectors.

- On vehicles with charge air cooler, pressure hoses must also be disconnected.

- Remove the lower right and left bolts from the longitudinal member.

- Install the left and right Guide Pins - T10093- into the open threads.

- Remove the remaining bolts.

- Pull the lock carrier and the coolant reservoir forward onto the guide pins, being careful not to bend the lines.


When repositioning the lock carrier, the lines must not be pinched or crushed.

  • Install in reverse order of removal.
  • Check the headlamp adjustment after installing it and make any adjustments, if necessary.

4 - Bolt

  • 55 Nm
  • Guide Pins -T10093- are installed in free threads at outer left and right.

Coolant Reservoir, Loosening

- Before the lock carrier can be pulled forward, remove the lower nuts on the reservoir -arrows- and pull it upward out of the grommet.

- Tighten the bolts to 5 Nm.

Audi Q5. A10-10850

Lock Carrier Brace, Removing and Installing

Audi Q5. Lock Carrier Brace, Removing and Installing

1 - Lock Carrier

2 - Right Lock Carrier Brace

  • Attached to the mounting bracket with the nut -6-.

3 - Nut

  • 23 Nm

4 - Left Lock Carrier Brace

  • Attached to the mounting bracket with the nut -6-.

5 - Subframe

6 - Bolt

  • 5 Nm

7 - Spring Nut

  • Slide into the lower lock carrier.

Lock Carrier Cover, Removing and Installing

Audi Q5. Lock Carrier Cover, Removing and Installing

1 - Cover

  • To remove, remove the locking pin and release the expanding clip.
  • Remove the expanding clip from the cover.
  • Remove the cover back from the radiator grille.
  • When installing, the tabs on the cover must engage on the radiator grille and on the sides of the bumper cover.
  • Insert the expanding clip through the cover into the lock carrier and press the locking pin in.

2 - Expanding Clip

  • Remove the clamping pin when removing.
  • Only press the clamping pin in when installing.
  • Quantity: 4

3 - Lock Carrier

4 - Radiator Grille



    Overview - Fender 1 - Nut 4 Nm Quantity: 3 2 - Mount For the bumper cover Removing and installing. Refer to → Chapter "Bumper Guides, Removing and Installing". 3&n


    Overview - Bulkhead 1 - Seal Install the seal from underneath. 2 - Lock Washer When installing, simply press the plenum chamber bulkhead onto the threaded pins. 3 -&nb

     Hood, Lids


     Hybrid functions and operating modes

    Applies to vehicles: with hybrid drive Fig. 111 Center console: button To turn on EV mode, press the button. The indicator light in the button will turn on. The indicator light also turns on in the instrument cluster display. The functions and operating modes described below are selected

     Front Axle Camber, Adjusting

    Camber cannot be adjusted. Camber can be centered evenly within specified tolerance range by shifting subframe. - Remove the noise insulation. Refer to → Body Exterior; Rep. Gr.66; Noise Insulation.   Note The tunnel crossmember must be loosened before adjusting the

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