Audi Q5 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q5: Emergency situations



This chapter is intended for trained emergency crews and working personnel who have the necessary tools and equipment to perform these operations. Starting by pushing or towing Note Vehicles with an a

 Use of jumper cables

Make sure to connect the jumper cable clamps in exactly the order described below! Fig. 227 Engine compartment: Connectors for jumper cables and charger Fig. 228 Jump starting with the battery of an

 Towing with a tow truck

General hints Your Audi requires special handling for towing. The following information is to be used by commercial tow truck operators who know how to operate their equipment safely. Never tow your


 Important information

Importance of wearing safety belts and sitting properly Airbags are only supplemental restraints. For airbags to do their job, occupants must always properly wear their safety belts and be in a proper seating position. For your safety and the safety of your passengers, before driving off, always:

 Repair a wiring 0.35 mm 2 or greater with intermediate wire section

  Note For the repair use repair wires with a cross section of 0.35 mm2 through 6.0-mm2. Procedure - Free up the wire to be repaired at two places approximately 20 cm on both sides of the repair point.   Caution Risk of damaging the electrical wires. Expose wrapped wiring harness

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