Audi Q5: Hydraulic Control Unit, Disassembling and Assembling
Hydraulic Control Unit, Disassembling and Assembling, 0BE, 0BF

1 - Bolt
2 - All Wheel Drive Pump -V415-
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "All Wheel Drive Pump -V415-, Removing and Installing".
3 - O-Ring
4 - Adapter
- The adapter could fall out when removing the All Wheel Drive Pump
- Insert the adapter into the recesses in the hydraulic pump before
installing the All Wheel Drive Pump -V415-.
5 - Hydraulic Pump
- Consists of a guide ring, the housing and six pistons
- Assembling. Refer to
→ Fig. "Assembling the Hydraulic Pump"
6 - Ball Bearing
- Can be installed and removed by hand
7 - Left Line
- Tighten the nuts to 30 Nm.
- Is installed between the hydraulic control unit and the left chamber
- Tighten both nuts hand-tight when installing
8 - O-Ring
9 - Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor -G437-
- 10 Nm
- Brown connector
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor -G437- or Oil
Pressure/Temperature Sensor 2 -G640-, Removing and Installing".
10 - Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor 2 -G640-
- 10 Nm
- Black connector
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor -G437- or Oil
Pressure/Temperature Sensor 2 -G640-, Removing and Installing".
11 - All Wheel Drive Clutch Valve 2 -N446-
- Color: brown
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "All Wheel Drive Clutch Valve -N445- or All Wheel Drive Clutch
Valve 2 -N446-, Removing and Installing".
- Installed position, the connector faces upward toward the Oil
Pressure/Temperature Sensor
Do not interchange with the All Wheel Drive Clutch Valve
12 - All Wheel Drive Clutch Valve -N445-
- Color: black
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "All Wheel Drive Clutch Valve -N445- or All Wheel Drive Clutch
Valve 2 -N446-, Removing and Installing".
- Installed position, the connector faces upward toward the Oil
Pressure/Temperature Sensor
Do not interchange with the All Wheel Drive Clutch Valve 2
13 - Bolt
14 - O-Ring
- Always replace.
- Mount onto the Clutch Valve
15 - Pressure Spring
- Insert into the guide -item 16-.
16 - Guide
- Installation position, large diameter faced the ball -item 17-.
17 - Ball
- Insert into the guide before installing -item 16-.
18 - Hydraulic Control Unit Housing
- with centering pins -arrows-
- The centering pins lock the hydraulic control unit and seal to the
final drive housing.
19 - Ball
- Install in the hole in the shuttle valve before installing -item 21-.
20 - O-Ring
21 - Shuttle Valve
- 8 Nm
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Fig. "Removing and Installing the Shuttle Valves".
22 - Seal
- With strainer
- Install on the centering pins in the hydraulic control unit housing
23 - Right Line
- Tighten the nuts to 30 Nm.
- Is installed between the hydraulic control unit and the right
- Tighten both nuts hand-tight when installing
Assembling the Hydraulic Pump
- Install the six pistons -A- in
the housing -B-.
- Install the guiding ring -C- so
that the piston touches the collar -arrow-.

- Insert the hydraulic pump -1-
with the guide ring -2- in the in
the hydraulic control unit housing.
Function Test:
- Turn the hydraulic pump -1-
several times. While doing so pay attention to the following:
- When turning the hydraulic pump must not become hooked or
- All pistons must be removed and pressed in.

Removing and Installing the Shuttle Valves
Remove the All Wheel Drive Pump -V415-, hydraulic pump and
ball bearing -item 6-
- Remove the shuttle valves -A-.
Always remove the ball -C- as well.
- Insert the ball into the hole in the shuttle valve when
- Install the shuttle valve all the way with a new O-ring
- The shuttle valve must rest lower than the opposing housing
surface -arrow-. If this is not the
case, then the remove the valve again and adjust the position of
the ball.
- Tighten the shuttle valve to the tightening specification -item 21-.

All Wheel Drive Pump -V415-, Removing and Installing, 0BE, 0BF
Special tools and workshop equipment
Hex Ball Socket -T10058-
Pay attention to the general repair information
Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor -G437- or Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor
2 -G640-, Removing and Installing, 0BE, 0BF
Special tools and workshop equipment
Socket - 27mm -T40218-
All Wheel Drive Clutch Valve -N445- or All Wheel Drive Clutch Valve 2
-N446-, Removing and Installing, 0BE, 0BF
Special tools and workshop equipment
Hex Socket - 4mm -T10370-
General Information
Extremely Dangerous Due to High-Voltage
The high-voltage system is under high-voltage. Death or serious
bodily injury by electric shock.
- Individuals with electronic/medical life- and health sustaining
machines in or on their person cannot perform any work on high-voltage
Fig. 61 Automatic dimming rearview mirror
Manual anti-glare adjustment
Move the small lever (located on the bottom
edge of the mirror) to the rear.
Automatically dimming mirrors
To dim the rearview mirror and both exterior
mirrors, press the A button. The diode B
turns on. The rearview and