Audi Q5 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q5: Identification

Final Drive Identification

Final Drive Identification, 0BC

The 0BC rear final drive unit is used with the following transmissions:

  • 6-Speed Manual Transmission 0B2 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • 6-Speed Manual Transmission 0B4 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • 7-Speed DSG Transmission 0B5 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • Automatic Transmission 0B6 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • 8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BK All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • 8 speed automatic transmission 0BW All Wheel Drive (AWD) (only Q5 hybrid)

Rear Final Drive Allocation

  • Refer to → Chapter "Transmission/Engine Allocation"

Layout on Rear Final Drive

Final drive 0BC -arrow 1- and 0AR

Engine code and production date -arrow 2-

Audi Q5. A00-10121

Final Drive 0BC -arrow- and 0AR


  • The designation "0AR" can always be found on the rear final drive housing. Changes to the housings is what differentiate the "0BC" and "0AR" final drives.

Audi Q5. A00-10122

  • Another characteristic is the location of the threaded holes -arrows- for securing the crossmember on the rear final drive.
  • The final drive "0BC" has four threaded holes -arrows- for the crossmember mounting in the final drive housing. There is also an additional threaded hole for securing the final drive to the subframe under the flange/driveshaft.

Audi Q5. A00-10302

Rear Final Drive Code Letters and Build Date

Audi Q5. A00-10301

Audi Q5. Rear Final Drive Code Letters and Build Date

Additional data can be ignored.


When installing a new rear final drive unit, the final drive code, the PR number and the vehicle engine code must be verified in the Parts Catalog. This is the only to assure the correct allocation.

Final Drive Identification, 0BD

The 0BD rear final drive unit is assigned to the following transmissions:

  • 6-Speed Manual Transmission 0B2 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • 6-Speed Manual Transmission 0B4 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • 7-Speed DSG Transmission 0B5 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • Automatic Transmission 0B6 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • 8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BK All Wheel Drive (AWD)

Rear Final Drive Allocation

  • Refer to → Chapter "Transmission/Engine Allocation"

Layout on Rear Final Drive

Final drive 0BD, code letters and manufacture date -arrow-

Audi Q5. A00-10147

-Arrow A- Final Drive 0BD with Part Number (example: 0BD 500 043A)

-Arrow B- Code Letters "JTN"

-Arrow C- Rear Final Drive Date of Manufacture

Audi Q5. A39-10272

Audi Q5. Layout on Rear Final Drive

Additional data can be ignored.


If the rear final drive unit is replaced, not only the rear final drive code, but also the PR number and the vehicle engine code must be verified in the Parts Catalog. This is the only to assure the correct allocation.

Final Drive Identification, 0BE, 0BF

The "Rear Final Drive 0BF" is installed in Audi A4 from MY 2008, Audi A5 Coup from MY 2008, Audi A5 Cabriolet from 2009, Audi A6 from MY 2011, Audi A7 from MY 2011, and Audi A8 from My 2010.

Allocation to the following transmissions:

  • 6-Speed Manual Transmission 0B2 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • 6-Speed Manual Transmission 0B4 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • 7-Speed DSG Transmission 0B5 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • Automatic Transmission 0B6 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • 8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BK All Wheel Drive (AWD)

The "Rear Final Drive 0BE" is an enhanced version of the "0BF" and is installed exclusively with the V8 TDI Engine in the Audi A8 from MY 2010.

Allocation to the following transmission:

  • 8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BL All Wheel Drive (AWD)

Rear Final Drive Allocation

  • Refer to → Chapter "Transmission/Engine Allocation"

Layout on Rear Final Drive

Clutch classification -arrow 1-.

Engine code and production date -arrow 2-


A characteristic of the rear final drive "0BF and 0BE" is the hydraulic control unit with the side chambers.

Audi Q5. A39-10355

  • -Arrow 1- code -LFW-
  • -Arrow 2- Rear final drive build dates

Audi Q5. A39-10356

Audi Q5. Layout on Rear Final Drive

  • -Arrow 3- Classification (classification of the clutch friction values) for the right clutch. Example: -272D-
  • -Arrow 4- Classification (classification of the clutch friction values) for the left clutch. Example: -4A10-

Additional data can be ignored.


When the rear final drive is replaced, not only the final drive code but also the PR number and the vehicle engine code must be verified in the Parts Catalog. This is the only to assure the correct allocation.


     Technical Data

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